Drive More Traffic To your Blog by Submitting News and Articles | Aplicaciones y Herramientas . Software de Diseño |

After several experiments and tries, I finally did a setup for a community news section on that I am satisfied with. So, I think it’s a good time to share this on the blog and announce the new Community News section for bloggers.


Also, I will give you some information on how I created the news section in case you are interested in implementing it on your own blog, however I won’t get deep into technical stuff, but I will point you to the right direction.


What is a Community News?


If you don’t know what community news section is, then let me give you a quick view…


The Community News section is a way of sharing knowledge, basically you have a section dedicated to receive links submissions from the community and publish it on your own blog. It’s so close to the idea of social bookmarking sites, but the technique and tools are different.


Read the full article: 

Via Martin Gysler