Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement
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Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement
The human body retains an individual, natural level of mobility and flexibility to ensure all of its structures are functioning properly. The bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other tissues work together to allow a range of movement and maintaining proper fitness and balanced nutrition can help keep the body functioning properly. According to Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compilation of articles pertaining to mobility and flexibility, individuals who don’t stretch their body often can experience shortened or stiffened muscles which decrease their ability to move effectively. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 850-0900.  Book Appointment Today:
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Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active

Chiropractic Sedentary Prevention for Seniors and Staying Active | Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement |

Sedentary lifestyle prevention through chiropractic is highly recommended for seniors. With advanced age, the body's muscles, bones, and spinal system begin to wear down and need to be maintained to retain their mobility and flexibility. Regular chiropractic adjustments are recommended as part of an active/fitness lifestyle for seniors and can help older individuals maintain optimal health.


Sedentary Lifestyle Prevention

Many seniors tend to reduce physical activity after reaching retirement age. Many individuals just want to kick back and relax. However, living too laid-back can impact overall health. A lack of exercise and physical activity can cause the muscles, cardiovascular system, and skeletal system to prematurely wear out. Living an active lifestyle will keep individuals at their best when retiring and maintain a healthy quality of life.

Pain Management

Chiropractic can help individuals realize their full potential. The chiropractic approach to achieving top health means treating the source of symptoms, and not just the symptoms. This helps maintain a high quality of life. Chiropractic sedentary prevention includes:


Adjustments to the body are the core of chiropractic. Adjustments are utilized to realign the spine that helps treat various nervous system-related conditions. These include subluxations, slipped discs, sciatica, nerve damage, and more. Adjustments also increase the immune system's functionality. This is extremely beneficial for older individuals.

Nutritional Recommendations

Older individuals can benefit from a customized nutrition plan to help with any deficits in their diets. Often older individuals need more calcium to help fortify bone health. Chiropractors and health coaches can provide individuals with nutritional information needed to live a healthy life.

Exercise Program

An active lifestyle is an essential component of staying healthy. Chiropractors can provide individuals with specialized exercises that take into account their specific and specialized needs.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is another component of chiropractic, as it helps enhance the adjustments.

Health Coaching

Health coaching can provide individuals with the tools necessary to take charge of their health. Counseling involves exercise recommendations, nutritional advice, healthy habits development, and more depending on the individual's abilities.

Stay Moving

A sedentary lifestyle places an older individual's spine in a compromised position. Older individuals have an increased risk of developing detrimental spinal conditions. Overexertion happens more easily in weakened bodies. The solution is to maintain physical activity with proper support. Chiropractic is designed to improve the whole-body. If you’re looking for sedentary prevention and the latest care approaches, contact us, we're ready to help!



Chiropractic Shoulder Pain Treatment



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.*


Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*


Hawk, Cheryl et al. “Best Practices for Chiropractic Care for Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Consensus Update.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 40,4 (2017): 217-229. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2017.02.001

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Sedentary lifestyle prevention through chiropractic is highly recommended for seniors. Regular chiropractic adjustments are recommended. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677

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How Senior Citizens Benefit From Chiropractic El Paso, TX. | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677

How Senior Citizens Benefit From Chiropractic El Paso, TX. | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement |

When the golden years arrive you may expect some discomfort and loss of mobility. Age and aging can be hard on the body. But there are ways to feel better. Regular fitness, proper diet, and chiropractic can keep your golden years moving and in tip-top shape.

How Chiropractic Can Make Your Senior Years Better

The benefits of chiropractic for seniors can be considerable, including:

1. Alleviating pain.

If you are experiencing pain due to spinal or joint issues, chiropractic can help. Chiropractic care focuses on providing pain relief without the need for prescription medications or surgery.


Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of chiropractic for pain relief. In fact, one study showed that chiropractic was considerably more effective than prescribed medications. It is unfortunate that many seniors assume that their pain is here to stay—when it may be reduced or eliminated completely through regular chiropractic care.

2. Better balance.

Seniors who are suffering from balance and coordination issues often have problems with the cervical spine, the technical term for the neck. When degenerative disc disease or other injuries disrupt the function of the mechanoreceptors located in the neck—responsible for sending to the brain important information related to balance—then problems with balance can result.


Chiropractic adjustments and other related therapies are quite effective in treating neck injuries and degenerative disc disease. Regular adjustments from your chiropractor may be enough to help you get your balance back.

3. Improved range of motion.

Injuries and aging can lead to a loss of range of motion, both in the spine and in the extremities. Fortunately, chiropractic care is designed to help you regain range of motion.


Your chiropractor has a variety of treatment methods to heal existing injuries while also improving range of motion. It may take several treatments to achieve the results you want, but a few visits to the chiropractor are well worth the increased range of motion you will enjoy.

4. Reducing wear and tear on the joints.

The spine and joints need to be aligned to minimize wear on discs, bones and other tissues. When you go for an extended period of time with a misaligned spine, it will increase the rate that your joints wear down.


One of the major benefits of chiropractic care is the way it keeps your whole body in alignment. As long as alignment is maintained, wear is minimized. Of course, alignment is lost in day-to-day life, but you can get it back by visiting the chiropractor again.

5. Better overall health.

Chiropractors are known for adjusting spines. An aligned spine helps the body function at its peak. But chiropractors do more than adjustments. They focus on improving your overall health.

When you visit your chiropractor, he or she will ask you a number of questions and listen to your story to better understand the challenges you are dealing with. 


Once the chiropractor understands your situation, he or she will design an overall treatment plan designed to help you be as healthy as possible. Seniors that get regular chiropractic care often say they feel much better than they did before—which allows them to do more of the things they love to do.

Schedule an Appointment Today

There is no need to wait to enjoy all the benefits of chiropractic care. Just contact us to schedule an appointment. Our chiropractic team is standing by to answer your questions and help you feel your best!

Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and chiropractic care can all make your golden years more active and more enjoyable than you may realize. For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677

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What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso Texas | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677

What to Look For When Choosing a Cane or Walker El Paso Texas | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement |

Back soreness, pain, and discomfort can make walking even moving a challenge, but through assistive devices, you can keep moving. If a spinal condition affects your ability to walk or if you have recently undergone surgery, a cane or walker can help maintain your independence.


Canes and walkers are designed in a simple fashion, but come with amazing benefits: They improve:


  • Balance
  • Prevent falls
  • Takes stress/pressure off the spine


There are all kinds and styles of assistive walking devices. Here are a few tips to help you select the best cane or walker.

Which To Get Cane or Walker

There are options when it comes to choosing but with so many options knowing which is the best for your condition can be challenging.


Talk with your health provider, which could be a primary physician, nurse, chiropractor, physical therapist, or other health care professionals familiar with your medical history and discuss which device would suit your condition and lifestyle the best.


Canes and walkers each have their pros and cons depending on the condition/s. Some considerations to think about when choosing between a cane and a walker:


  • What is the purpose of the device?


Canes are ideal for problems that occur on one side of the body like sciatica, which often affects one leg, and walkers are ideal for pain that occurs on both sides like weakness in both of the legs.

  • Which should I get to support my weight?


Canes can support up to 25 percent of your weight, and walkers can support up to 50 percent.

  • What is the amount of stability you need in the device?


Walkers have the most stability, but there are four-point canes that can also support proper balance and spine safety.

  • What amount of flexibility do you need in the device?


If you want perhaps the flexibility to go up and downstairs a cane may be a better choice, as walkers should not be used on stairs.  

Considerations and Questions

Once you’ve decided on what type, then it's time to decide which type to buy and make sure it is the correct model and style for you. A health care provider can help you find the right model that suits your needs, fits correctly and will educate and show you how to properly use it. Considerations to think about when buying a cane or walker. 


Canes fall into three categories:


  1. Standard: The simplest type of cane and comes with a comfortable T-shaped handle. This helps with balance, but these aren't able to bear as much weight.
  2. The Offset: A cane that can support more weight than a standard model comes with a flat grip for those with a weak grip and an upper shaft that can bend outward.
  3. Multi-legged: Multiple-legged canes offer maximum stability, perfect for preventing slips, and falls. The only issue could be is that because of the multiple legs means it can be a little awkward at first. But once you get the hang of it


Questions for a Cane

What grip should I go with?

There’s no right or wrong grip. This all comes down to you and what feels the most comfortable as you move around. But, larger grips work better for those with joint problems, and the foam grip style or a type of memory foam that shapes to your hand seems to be the current trend.

What if the grip I chose is not the correct one?

If numbness, tingling, or pain begins to present in your hand/s when using the device or after, consult your doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist.

Where are Canes available?

Canes can be purchased at medical supply stores and pharmacies. But they can also be purchased online, which is extremely helpful if the model you want is not available at the store.

Where to learn how to properly use the cane?

Talk to your chiropractor, physical therapist or doctor who can give you tips and guidelines on how to use the device. They will also help make sure that the cane fits correctly.


Working with a health care professional to achieve the right fit can be highly beneficial. If the grip does not feel right, it's not comfortable, or if it's too long/short, the cane ends up doing more harm than good. therapist/chiropractor will make sure everything is right.


Walkers fall into three models:


  1. Standard: These walkers have four legs with rubber ends and provide quality support and stability. But, because there are no wheels it needs to be picked up to move around.
  2. Front-wheel walker: This type has two wheels in the front and two solid legs in the rear. This type does not need to be picked up and requires less effort.
  3. Four-wheeled walkers: These move the easiest, but they can be difficult to get used to placing all your weight because of the easy rolling. Although they do have breaks and wheel adjustments to control the wheel speed, it can take some getting used to and training. Some models come with a seat.


Questions for a Walker

What grip should I go with?

Walker grips are usually made of hard plastic, non-slip rubber, or flexible memory foam. Again it’s all up to you to decide which is the most comfortable.

Preparing the home for a walker

Walkers can get snagged on rugs or bump into the furniture so it’s a good idea to set up your home and move the furniture/objects to help accommodate your movement.

Where can I purchase a walker?

Walkers are available at medical supply stores and pharmacies. They can also be purchased online.

How can I learn how to properly use my walker?

Using a walker can be a little uncomfortable at first. Movements that were easy, like sitting to standing might need to take some time to get the feel of it. But with time and practice, it will become second nature. Talk to your doctor or chiropractor/physical therapist about the right way to use your walker. They can help you develop a strategy and technique to improve mobility.

Spine Pain Won't Slow You Down

Mobility assistive devices, like canes, and walkers can help you move around after an accident, spine surgery, or a chronic spine condition and allow you to maintain your freedom.


Our uplifting southwest community surrounded by its infinite beauty is a fantastic place to live and enjoy our families; it is, therefore, our mission to help each of our patients to live, to love, to matter and to thrive pain-free in this beautiful special place.



El Paso, TX Chiropractic Treatment for Shoulder Pain



NCBI Resources

As you move into your senior years, you may expect some discomfort and loss of mobility. Aging is hard on the body. But it is important to understand that there are things you can do to feel better. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and chiropractic care can all make your senior years active and thriving.

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Mobility assistive devices, like canes, and walkers can help you move around after an accident, spine surgery, or a chronic spine condition and allow you to maintain your freedom. For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Alexander Jimenez at 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677

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Senior Citizens And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.

Senior Citizens And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX. | Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement |

The aging process can usher in a variety of conditions and health issues that are confined (mostly) to the elderly. Chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility, and other issues can occur as a person get older, but senior citizens are finding that chiropractic provides some great benefits for the older demographic.

Senior Citizens

Better Range Of Motion

Regular chiropractic care has been shown to increase spinal range of motion as well as in the extremities. Limited range of motion can occur due to age or inactivity – sometimes a combination of the two.


Having the ability to move easier has many great benefits. It allows seniors to more actively engage with their environment. They can get on their hands and knees to work in the garden, bend down to pick up grandchildren, and improve leisure activities like golfing. Increased range of motion is one of the most common (and appreciated!) benefits of chiropractic treatment.

Decreased Degeneration Of Joints

When the spine is misaligned it can lead to other parts of the body becoming misaligned as well. This can lead to unusual and unnatural wearing of the joints. Over time, the joints can become worn down, painful, and cause difficulty in mobility and flexibility.


Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for decreasing the degeneration of the spine and even other joints. When the body is in proper alignment it no longer has to adapt through postural compensation. This reduces stress on the spine and joints while relieving pain and restoring mobility.

Pain Relief

Chiropractic has long been recognized for its effectiveness in providing drug free pain relief for everything from back pain to headaches to arthritis. While pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs only suppress the symptoms, chiropractic addresses the root of the problem.


Spinal alignments and other chiropractic techniques help to relieve pain for a variety of issues, not just back and neck pain. What’s more, chiropractic does not have the undesirable, sometimes dangerous side effects that drugs can.

Overall Better Health & Wellbeing

Proper spinal alignment can greatly benefit a person’s health, wellbeing, and even their mood. It allows them to become more active so they get exercise. They sleep better and have more energy.


An aligned spine also lets them more fully engage with their family, friends, and the world. They can get out and do things they were once unable to do and when they are active and happier the entire body benefits.

Improved Coordination & Balance

The aging process can have a significant impact on a person’s balance and coordination. This can have a variety of causes including degenerative changes to the spine, typically in the neck area. Injury to this area is another culprit.


There are special receptors that reside along the cervical spine in the rear of the joints. These receptors work to send vital messages to the brain regarding coordination and balance. When the spine and especially the neck are out of alignment, it can hinder how these receptors send and receive messages to the brain. The result is a condition called loss of proprioception, or sense of body awareness.


As the condition progresses, the patient relies on vision to determine the location of their feet, legs, and other limbs. The worse it gets, the less able the patient is in compensating and can become prone to falling.


Injuries from falling are one of the most common reasons elderly people visit emergency departments each year. Chiropractic can help realign the neck and spine, allowing the messages to move much easier, thus restoring balance and coordination.

Prevents Seniors From Being Confined To Nursing Homes

Senior citizens who are regular chiropractic patients are more likely to engage in exercise that is more strenuous. They are more active, have fewer injuries, and are basically happier and more positive.


The more active and mobile senior citizens are, the less likely they are to be placed in a nursing home due to medical conditions or the “typical” aging issues. Simply put, chiropractic for seniors changes the way many people look at aging – and places it in a much more positive, active light.

Injury Medical Clinic: Geriatric Fitness

Dr. Alex Jimenez's insight:

Chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility & other issues can occur as a person gets older. Senior citizens are finding chiropractic benefits. For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

good health's curator insight, January 15, 11:44 AM

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