Why Journalists Can No Longer Ignore Snapchat - MediaShift | KILUVU | Scoop.it

One of my fellow grad students tweeted that back on August 6, in the wake of Instagram cloning Snapchat’s features with their Stories function.

"The early numbers suggest another reality: Snapchat is here to stay."

Now we have numbers to show that this loyal sentiment is common among Snapchat’s core users.
BuzzFeed news reporter Alex Kantrowitz recently shared data from third party providers that “did not find any meaningful decline” in Snapchat’s metrics after the launch of Mark Zuckerberg’s latest attempt to challenge the king of ephemeral messaging.

“So for those who were quick to deem Instagram Stories a Snapchat killer, the early results suggest it may be wise to reconsider that label,” Kantrowitz wrote....

Via Jeff Domansky