Businesses finally realize that cyber defenses must evolve | #CyberSecurity #Luxembourg #ProactiveTHINKing | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Villers believes that threat intelligence is mandatory for ensuring long-term security, and that organizations should invest in data loss prevention solutions, as well as finding a way to tackle the insider threat.

“Introducing artificial intelligence into cybersecurity is a good way to handle time-consuming, low value-added tasks. It will require a training / development / improvement period, but it will certainly help cybersecurity specialists focus on more decision-making tasks and making the right decision in a timely manner,” Raymond adds.

“Companies no longer have the means to protect everything, so it’s essential for them to invest in detection technologies in order to obtain the right information and the source of the information. This implies even more data to process and, thus, the implementation of technologies based on data analytics and machine learning, such as behavioural analysis.”


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