Starting a grassroots robotics movement in Luxembourg | #Digital4EDUcation #DigitalLuxembourg #Coding #Robotics #Europe #MakerSpaces  | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Robotic security guards, robotic restaurants and military robots--the potential for robotic technology is vast but has yet to take hold in Luxembourg. Cue Luxembourg’s first robotics makerspace scheduled to open on Saturday in Esch.


Today there are 32 makerspaces, involving around 200 teachers and attracting up to 3,000 students.

Among the projects developed in these hubs of activity, Teusch cites a remote-controlled hover board built out of a skateboard and wii controller. Another group worked on a cyclist’s coat with electronics sewn into the fabric to provide indicator lights for maximum visibility when turning. “The target is to make them aware that technology is worth taking a look at. It can be cool. You don’t have to be top at maths to be great at engineering,” Teusch says.

The initiative continues to grow
Teusch is one of four people who co-founded Make It, a not for profit which runs the annual Maker Faire, and the national robotics championships (both scheduled this year for 16-17 May in Rosport) and selects and trains a national team to compete in the robotics championships in Dubai.


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