Luxembourg technology powers unique water treatment plant in Sweden | #APATEQ #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) |

Mörbylånga is located on Sweden’s second largest island, Öland. The island is a favourite holiday destination for Swedish families and much appreciated for its unique nature and historical sites. “Geographically located on an island, our municipality is facing a limited availability of fresh ground water,” explains Peter Asteberg, Project Manager at the municipality of Mörbylånga. The increasing lack of drinking water peaks during the holiday season. Local industry also requires high water volumes. “With the prevailing conditions, population growth or any extension of water consuming industry represents a challenge in terms of water supply.”

We are convinced that the new plant, including APATEQ’s technology, is the right choice to pursue our future urban development.

In order to alleviate this problem, the authorities have transported drinking water from the mainland. A far from ideal situation, as the dependence on external supply means the risk of water shortage is always there. Transporting water by lorry also leads to pollution and increased traffic disturbances.

Multi-functional water treatment plant


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