Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues
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Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues
This is an online magazine by Bovee & Thill, authors of the leading textbooks in business communication and business writing, published by Pearson, featuring resources about teaching business communication and workplace issues. For more information about Bovee & Thill texts and the exclusive, superior coverage they give to workplace issues, visit their blog: http://blog.businesscommuniationnetwork.com. For instructor examination copies, go to http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/texts. To find your local sales representative, go to http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/replocator. To contact the authors, use this form: https://businesscommunicationnetwork.com/contact-us/. To get a free Comprehensive Guide to Business Communication Instructional Resources, visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/resources. Subscribe to a free weekly newsletter of new posts to all 11 of Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines: http://sco.lt/8kgeVV.
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The Power of Negative Thinking

The Power of Negative Thinking | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Pop psychology tells us we can't go wrong with positive thinking. But new studies show that taking account of our obstacles is essential to success. . .

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11 Habits That Exude Success

11 Habits That Exude Success | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Consider this: You can polish your mind with knowledge until it is a blinding shine, but if you don't externalize it, no one will recognize it.

Success is all about being noticed. You get noticed by showing the goods. . .

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Two Tactics That Will Help You Stay Calm Under Intense Pressure

Two Tactics That Will Help You Stay Calm Under Intense Pressure | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Here's how you keep calm under pressure. One thing that doesn't work: suppressing emotions can backfire. . .

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Seven Tricks for Being Happier

Seven Tricks for Being Happier | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Happiness comes in a million different packages, as does unhappiness. Here are some tips and tools I've found over the years that will help keep you even-keeled -- and happy -- during a rough storm: . . .

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Study Shows That People Are Smarter On Their Feet Versus Sitting At Their Desks

Study Shows That People Are Smarter On Their Feet Versus Sitting At Their Desks | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

We've learned the many ways that sitting at a desk all day can kill you.

And now there's more research to support the fact that being on your feet is not only better for your physical health, but it actually makes you smarter.

That's the latest from a study, "Cognitive Performance Is Improved While Walking: Differences In Cognitive — Sensorimotor Couplings Between Children And Young Adults," by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. . .

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Your Biggest Culprit to Workday Productivity

Your Biggest Culprit to Workday Productivity | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Every day is a battle for productivity when you’re a small business owner or consultant.

And, if we’re being honest, productivity can be especially hard to hold on to during warm summer months when BBQs and beach daydreams wreak havoc on our day. . .

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On the Job: Poor Etiquette Can Hurt a Career

On the Job: Poor Etiquette Can Hurt a Career | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Is it alright to tweet during a business conference?

Should you stand up when shaking hands?

Do you get the boss a holiday gift this year?

These are all common etiquette questions that Anna Post can answer. . .

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Psychologists Find That Exposure to Awesome Things Is Good for You

Psychologists Find That Exposure to Awesome Things Is Good for You | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

A seriously cool study is coming out later this year in Psychological Science on the benefits of awe.

Awe, which describes a "feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder" and comes from the old Norse word for "terror," seems like a strange subject for research, but its benefits are clear. . .

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Five Lies Personal Development Gurus Like to Tell

Five Lies Personal Development Gurus Like to Tell | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Personal development gurus tell some impressive lies in order to sell their products. That’s right. Lies.

These convenient little falsehoods are effective motivators because they play on primal human needs and emotions.

Shouldn’t people who promote personal growth for a living be uncommonly straightforward in their marketing? Sadly, this is far from true, even among the popular names in the field.

The good news is that once you understand these, you are free to grow and develop in realistic ways. . .

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10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Some of the smartest people I know continuously struggle to get ahead because they forget to address a few simple truths that collectively govern our potential to make progress. So here’s a quick reminder:


#1 – Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action.
It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action. There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Knowledge and intelligence are both useless without action. It’s as simple as that. For some practical guidance on taking action, I highly recommend The Now Habit.


#2 – Happiness and success are two different things.
I know an extremely savvy businesswoman who made almost a million dollars online last year. Every entrepreneur I know considers her to be wildly successful. But guess what? A few days ago, out of the blue, she told me that she’s depressed . . .

Via Martin Gysler
Slavica Bogdanov's comment, May 26, 2012 9:47 AM
Once again a great one, thanks!

61 Behavioral Biases That Mess Up the Way You Think

61 Behavioral Biases That Mess Up the Way You Think | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Every decision we make is influenced by subconscious behavioral biases.They cause us to make snap judgments based on bad information, to be unfair, and to waste time.

This is clearly problematic for managers, students, professors, and people in general.

Once we become aware of these biases, we can disrupt our thinking and come to terms with reality.

We've collected a long list of cognitive biases . . .

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10 Ways to Make Yourself More Productive At Work

10 Ways to Make Yourself More Productive At Work | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

You're only productive at work three daysout of the week. How can you improve that?

The secret to getting more done is to make things automatic. Control over your schedule stops you from getting tired at work. Progress motivates us more than anything else. Your mind moves you, but how you move also affects your mind. Superstition can improve performance and when people wish you luck you do better. . .

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See Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines for Business Communication

See Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines for Business Communication | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

See all eight of Bovee & Thill's Online Magazines
for Business Communication.

Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Electronic Communication


Teaching a Modern Business Communication Course


Teaching Business Communication and Employment


Teaching Visual Communication


Teaching Oral Communication in a Business Commnication Course

Teaching Business and Interpersonal Communication


Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues


Exclusive Teaching Resources for Business Communication Insructors


Visit Bovee & Thill's Business Communication Blog at http://boveeandthillbusinesscommunicationblog.com

Visit Bovee & Thill's YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/BoveeandThill

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TED Video: Rachel Botsman: The Currency of the New Economy Is Trust

There's been an explosion of collaborative consumption -- web-powered sharing of cars, apartments, and skills.

Rachel Botsman explores the currency that makes systems like Airbnb and Taskrabbit work: trust, influence, and what she calls "reputation capital." . . .

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10 of the Most Insane Offices You'll Ever See — and You'll Never Work In

10 of the Most Insane Offices You'll Ever See — and You'll Never Work In | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Let's face it — a cubicle, a humming fluorescent light and a square box office building can be creativity killers in the working world.

Alternatively, work can be a beautiful thing when done in the right environment. . . .

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What 10 Things Should You Do Every Day to Improve Your Life?

What 10 Things Should You Do Every Day to Improve Your Life? | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Don't underestimate the importance of each of these 10 things. If you do these things regularly, you'll improve your life. . .

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Why We Are Addicted, Quite Literally, to Information

Why We Are Addicted, Quite Literally, to Information | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

We are addicted, quite literally, to information.Why is that?

It's all about dopamine — a much-researched neurotransmitter produced at the top of the brain stem which targets brain regions that control reward and movement. . .

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The Science Behind Gifting

The Science Behind Gifting | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it
Research shows which gifts people really appreciate. Hint: Forget trying to be thoughtful. Also, regifting is becoming more socially acceptable.
Bovee & Thill's Online Business Communication Magazines's insight:

To be a really successful giver of gifts, a person usually needs to get inside the head of the intended recipient.

Unfortunately, psychological studies reveal that givers and receivers have a hard time understanding each other's mind-sets, which can make for a tricky holiday experience.

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21 Habits of Happy People

21 Habits of Happy People | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

“Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” Elbert


Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed.

We’ve all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. I’m not saying happy people don’t feel grief, sorrow or sadness; they just don’t let it overtake their life. The following are 21 things happy people make a habit of doing:

1. Appreciate Life
Be thankful that you woke up alive each morning. Develop a childlike sense of wonder towards life. Focus on the beauty of every living thing. Make the most of each day. Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

2. Choose Friends Wisely . . .

Via Martin Gysler
Slavica Bogdanov's comment, June 6, 2012 10:51 AM
Totally agree!! A great article. Love it and I am happy to read it:)

10 Things You Should Do Every Week to Improve Your Life

10 Things You Should Do Every Week to Improve Your Life | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Yesterday I posted 10 things should you do every day to improve your life.

There are a number of other things research says we can do to make life better but we don't need to do them every day: . . .

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Watching This Video Is Clinically Proven to Make Your Life Better

Watching This Video Is Clinically Proven to Make Your Life Better | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

A recent psychological study found that awe enhances well-being, expands perception of time, and causes people to behave more altruistically and less materialistically. So how can we stimulate awe?

Lead author Melanie Rudd of Stanford University told us their most effective method was exposing subjects to an awe-inspiring video:

The methods that were the most effective at stimulating awe were those that presented participants with a “new” awe experience (i.e., having participants watch the awe-eliciting commercial).

Remembering a past awe-eliciting experience and reading about an imaginary awe-eliciting experience (i.e., the short story) also elicited awe, but relatively less compared to when participants experienced a “fresh” and “real” awe experience.

The video used in the study "depicted people in city streets and parks encountering and interacting with vast, mentally overwhelming, and seemingly realistic images, such as waterfalls, whales, and astronauts in space." . . .

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7 Ultimate Ways to Build Self-Confidence

7 Ultimate Ways to Build Self-Confidence | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Self-confidence is the strand of confidence which exclusively deals with the self-assuredness in one’s personal judgment, ability, and power. It therefore is the most important sort of confidence because deprived of it we are simply left without a backbone.


That’s why whenever I write articles I always emphasize self-confidence because everything you ever do is built on this foundation.


These 7 strategies which will help you not just build, but radiate self-confidence.


1. Start Positive
A huge part of self-confidence simply comes from perspective. It comes from your outlook towards the world. So if at this moment you have any negative thoughts, begin replacing them with positive ones.


Redirect your substantial energy of frustration and negativity, and convert it into positive, determination. . .

Via Martin Gysler
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6 Tips for Changing Any Work Habit Painlessly

6 Tips for Changing Any Work Habit Painlessly | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

Old habits die hard is a saying that holds a fair amount of truth, and business owners need to look hard at their old habits, to determine if changing any of them will aid improvement in personal productivity levels.


Habits actually avoid conscious decision making, and lead to unconscious behaviour where "same old-same old"action is taken, regardless of the effectiveness of the action.


This excellent article, explains why this is so, and then it provides six tips you can follow to effect a change in your habits to become more productive.

Via Daniel Watson
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A Richer Life by Seeing the Glass Half Full

A Richer Life by Seeing the Glass Half Full | Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues | Scoop.it

The definition of an optimist:

Someone, like me, who plans to get more done than time permits.

Having failed to achieve the impossible, someone, like me, who is sure everything will somehow get done anyway.

A more classical definition from the Mayo Clinic: “Optimism is the belief that good things will happen to you and that negative events are temporary setbacks to be overcome.” . . .

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29 Commandments for the 21st Century Human

To survive in the 21st century you need to be able to think, select and act independently, creatively. Here are 29 great ways to stay or become more creative and independent in these fast-changing times.

Via Robin Good
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