Touch Me
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The Apple Watch Can Be A Sixth Sense

The Apple Watch Can Be A Sixth Sense | Touch Me |

The world around us is screaming with signals our original five senses don’t detect. Unlike some snakes, we can’t sense infrared with our naked eyes and unlike ducks and geese, we don’t have a native intuition for magnetic fields. But we’ve got pretty incredible brains, which we’ve used to craft ways to augment our five basic senses for a very long time. 

While you could argue that this process goes back to the creation of language, it started getting serious with the adoption of the compass for navigation by China’s Song Dynasty in the 11th Century. With this breakthrough, humans could suddenly compensate for their lack of innate magnetic sensitivity with a piece of technology. For the first time, our species could leverage the Earth’s magnetic fields and use them to help us be better at life.

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