Plinky - for writing | Scriveners' Trappings |

Writing is one of the key literacy learning skills.

For many learners it can also be one of the most challenging.

The way learning Providers teach 'writing' has alot to do with their learners attitude; if they can find engaging and collaborative ways to teach writing then, their learners writing performance will be enhanced.

One strategy is to use technology.

For learners, generating ideas is often the most difficult phase of their writing process.

This is where Plinky can help.

Every day Plinky provides a new prompt (like a question, or a challenge), and everyone gets a chance to answer.

Users can...
- add photos, maps, playlists and more.
- easily share their Plinky answers on Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Tumblr, and most major blogging services.


In their words...
"We know you've got something interesting to say. Plinky is here to help you say it in a fun and compelling way."

Via John Dalziel, Lynnette Van Dyke